Grades Completed: 6, 7, 8
Camp #800: July 7-11, Full-Day Camp (9 AM-4 PM)
Location: UNL City Campus (Engineering College)/UNL East Campus/Dawes Middle School
Fee: $20 Facilities
Take a deep dive into the various disciplines of engineering through special presentations and hands-on activities by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering faculty, students and staff. You will be introduced to the Engineering Grand Challenges, and field trips will allow you to meet engineers as we tour multiple facilities near UNL’s campus. Drop off and pick up will vary based on the day’s activities, taking place at UNL City Campus, UNL East Campus and Dawes Middle School. Parents will be responsible for camper drop off and pick up at one of these sites each day. The exact schedule and daily locations will be shared with participants the week before camp begins. Join us to experience challenging activities and learn how engineering impacts the health, happiness and safety of your world! Please wear close-toed shoes each day.
Taught by UNL Faculty; Amanda Woodward, North Star High School Teacher; Kristin Page, Dawes Middle School Teacher; Frank Martinez, Goodrich Middle School Teacher