It’s All Fun and Games

Grades Completed: 5, 6, 7

Camp #918: July 7-11, PM Camp (1 PM-4 PM)

Location: Roper Elementary  

Do you like the challenge of game play? Are you always ready to use problem-solving and strategic skills to unlock a challenge?  If battling in outer space, fighting mutant monsters and puzzling with tiles is right up your alley, then get your game on with us! Ticket to Ride, Azul, Star Realms, Cascadia, Forbidden Island and King of Tokyo are among the games we will learn throughout the week. These dice, cooperative, asset allocation and deck building games will help you design your own game that you will share at the end of the week! Are you GAME?

Taught by Shelley Clayburn, Retired Teacher and UNL Student Teacher Supervisor; Neal Clayburn, Former Associate Director of NSEA; Nick Clayburn, Southeast Community College Math Instructor


Camp sponsored by Edward Jones- Mitch Becker.

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